Sonia Lebel
15 years at relocating employees around the world. Health coach since 2014 What is the link between the 2 professions? My passion is our well being.
There is the “before” health Coach and the after. Being part of the Corporate world where stress, insomnia, repeated migraines, lack of energy, mental fog, etc…. was an integral part of my life…… I came very close to a burn out.
Went back to school. Fascinated by the brain, I had the opportunity to work at a clinic specialized in optimizing brain health. Everything I learned combined with my new healthy habits saved my life. In 2017 I had a stroke. My neurologist told me: “Madame, your good health saved your life!”.
Today, I passionately share my knowledge and help people to feel good and find their own mind body connection.
Type of coaching and approach
I was so surprised of my inability to find “one” health professional with the knowledge and flair to help me find the mind body connection I knew I needed. I became that person.
I offer interactive health wellness workshops in Corporations and personal coaching. My approach strongly influences the dynamics of groups and their motivation to take action to get results.
The part my clients enjoy the most is the mind body connection: the basis of where everything becomes possible. I provide my clients with tools to reduce the impact of stress on their health and productivity.
Typical clients and benefits
I work with small and medium size companies, large companies, as well as specific industries such as the hospital sector.
I truly believe that a great coach needs several strings to his/her bow. During my training as a Health Coach, I learned the concepts of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), physical training, brain functions and more.